As an international peace organization, SCI has been working on understanding and reacting to the health emergency created by the spread of the COVID-19 virus since the beginning, as the safety and wellbeing of our volunteers is our priority.
SCI Austria has been organizing workcamps every year since 1947 in cooperation with other organizations and local communities and enabling volunteers to get involved in exciting projects in Austria. International and intercultural exchange is usually an integral part of our workcamps. However, the current circumstances largely determine our everyday life and global exchange. This challenges us to rethink our workcamp season. The purpose of our workcamps is not only to promote intercultural exchange, but also to support the local community and show solidarity. Therefore, we want to focus on local projects and encourage people living in Austria to volunteer locally and to promote the values of peace, humanity and solidarity.
Together with our local partners, we organize workcamps this summer that contribute to the conservation and diversification of the biosphere in unique and rare habitats. In addition, sustainable living, and cultural projects as well as study workcamps are supported.
●The applications for Workcamps are now open. You can already apply for a camp, but we ask you to wait to buy any travel tickets until the workcamp is confirmed or to buy a personal travel insurance which covers cancellation.
● Workcamps will be confirmed at least four weeks before their starting date.
● The workcamps will only happen if the national regulations can be respected and the safety of participants and local communities can be ensured.
● Participants will only have to pay the participation fee once we send out the final confirmation that the workcamp will happen.
● Depending on the safety measures taken by the government, we will update the information and adapt the living and working conditions to each specific project.
Useful links
- WHO’s page on coronavirus disease, including its global situation reports and the advice for the public.
- IATA travel: travel restrictions around the world. Click here
You have further questions about COVID-19 and workcamps? Contact us at!