
Webinar: Not Your Soldier

We invite you to a webinar hosted by young people at an international antimilitarist youth exchange taking place in Austria at the moment!

No war anywhere! The current war in Ukraine has changed Europe and the world massively in the past months. Prices of food, oil, gas and electricity are rising fast. And this in the midst of an ongoing ecological crisis, pandemic and militarized conflicts for example in Yemen, Myanmar, Tigray, Palestine and Syria. How can we respond to this as young people? What can we do to bring about longlasting peace? How can we stand up against war and militarism?

In all the countries participating in the youth exchange that hosts this webinar, the answer seems to be: Young people need to go to the military. Military service – or an alternative service to it – is obligatory for young men (or what the government perceives to be “men”) or they are thinking about introducing it. What does it mean for our societies that half of the young population is obligated to join the military? What experiences have we personally made around this?

This webinar will take place on Monday 15 August at 16:30 Central European Time (CET). Join us via this Zoom link:
The webinar will mostly be discussion-based. Get in conversation with our participants around military conscription, militarization and what antimilitarist options we have out of this.

This webinar is part of the international youth exchange  “Not Your Soldier”, which SCI Austria hosts from 10-17 August 2022. The exchange is funded by the European Commission under the program “Erasmus+”.

The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

#onlineevent #webinars #peaceeducation #antimilitarism #notyoursoldier

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